Save 2+ Trips, and 2 BHAs with the TRIDENT System.

Calculate the time and cost savings on your cut and pull operation using the Calculator below.

Ardyne saves you money

Enter the parameters below to see how we can help you
Depth (ft)
Theoretical Top of Cement
or Bridge Plug Setting Depth
Cut Depth
Casing Hanger Depth below rotary
Tripping Speed (ft/hr)
Please enter valid numbers Bridge plug depth must be greater than cutting depth Cutting depth must be greater than pulling depth
Theoretical Top of Cement or Bridge Plug Setting Depth Cut Depth Casing Hanger Depth below rotary Tripping Speed (ft/hr)
Please enter valid numbers Bridge plug depth must be greater than cutting depth Cutting depth must be greater than pulling depth
Time (hours)
hours saved
31% rig time saved
connections saved
red zone risk avoided

Ardyne's TRIDENT System is a rotary driven, single-trip casing recovery system that incorporates several innovative trip saving features. In slot recovery (re-entry), well abandonment and workover applications, the TRIDENT System performs multiple functions in a single trip, saving time and money:

  • Dress a cement or set a bridge plug; cut casing; circulate annular gas; and recover casing to surface in a single trip
  • Eliminate swarf build-up at surface with the TRIDENT System’s integral swarf management system
  • Perform a pressure integrity test (positive & negative test) on the cement plug

Animation Case Study


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To benefit from original expertise, optimise your operations, cut costs and reclaim rig time, call us on +44 (0)1224 452600 or fill in the form below